
Architecture: access time

The access time

For Stefano Fantin who works at Agenzia Web Online in Dynamic SEO, access time is a very important metric, if not the most important metric.

Online Web Agency focuses on ACCESS TIME, where an example of a website that focuses on access time is Facebook.

The secret of Facebook is the access time, just as the secret of Agenzia Web Online is "THE UNIQUENESS OF THE COMMERCIAL DOES NOT EXIST".

Before Facebook the media were the press and television and radio, whoever invented Facebook did nothing but decrease the access time in the media sector. The invention of Facebook is attributed to decreasing the login time. Social media was born from Facebook, where access time is reduced. Those who have managed Facebook from when it was born up to the present day have done nothing but GET AHEAD of media such as the press, television and radio. Facebook has done nothing but decrease access time in the media industry and Facebook HAS BEEN AHEAD of the media industry.

Online Web Agency with the invention of "THE UNIQUENESS OF THE COMMERCIAL DOES NOT EXIST" wants to reduce the access time.

Several web workers and several web companies do not give importance to access time.

An example is that the indexing of a website is not correctly evaluated. I repeat, the secret of Facebook is the access time because in social networks the access time is given by the users. On websites, access time is given by indexing. In summary, in social networks the access time is people, while in websites your first reader is the search engine when it does the indexing process. On websites, the larger the search engine, the more indexing it performs. Positioning in search engines, on the other hand, means appearing before the competition. Having Facebook login time means a search engine has a large POWER INDEX. Having indexing power means the website can compete with Facebook. If you have indexing power and positioning in search engines, then you are a GURU because you are revered by customers where THOSE WHO APPRECIATE BUY.

For Agenzia Web Online the website is an ASSET where: "the price of indexing (budget crawling) is what you pay in terms of resources, the value of the search results is what you get". In the ASSET of the website if there is no indexing, there is no positioning; better said “change the indexing, change the results in search engines”. We talk about ASSET because if there is indexing there is monitoring.

Before Facebook the media were the press and television and radio, whoever invented Facebook did nothing but reduce access time and GET AHEAD. On websites, access time is given by indexing. Facebook created a cage where it decreased the access time and played ahead. Social media are cages that have decreased access time and played ahead. On websites, the access time is given by the indexing of the search engine which has its own cage.

Search engines have their own cage but the access time is given by the indexing of the search engine, social media are cages that have users as access time.

Online Web Agency wants to reduce access time and has created as a cage "THE UNIQUENESS OF THE COMMERCIAL DOES NOT EXIST".

Definition of access time: “stopping is movement that does not exist”.

In Europe they made "The Digital Markets Act" and they don't understand anything because it's THE TIME OF ACCESS. They don't understand anything because "Facebook makes money from advertising" that is, Facebook makes money from advertising access time. In Europe they made “The Digital Markets Act” and they don't understand anything because “stopping advertising is the movement that doesn't exist”. “Facebook earns from advertising” that is, Facebook earns from advertising access time. The Facebook advertising cage has access time as its strength. There is currently nothing with the firepower of the Facebook cage to handle advertising and its access time, not even search engine advertising has the firepower of the Facebook cage to handle advertising. The access time in the Facebook cage to manage advertising is people, the access time in the search engine advertising cage is the web pages potentially seen by people. Consider that Facebook's cage for managing advertising has a shorter access time than search engine advertising and Facebook advertising costs less than search engine advertising. We are not talking about advertising in media such as the press or radio or television which have even higher costs than search engines.

Online Web Agency wants to reduce access time and has created as a cage "THE UNIQUENESS OF THE COMMERCIAL DOES NOT EXIST".

If you have indexing power and positioning in search engines, then you are a GURU because you are revered by customers where THOSE WHO APPRECIATE BUY.

I'll give you a practical example, Facebook is in the world, what would happen if the HEALTH SYSTEM of the world had THE ACCESS TIME of Facebook which is in the world. The answer to you is not “The Digital Markets Act”.

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